Steadfast Movie FAQS

Answers by Barbara Shoner, Screenwriter, Producer, and Co-Director

1. How did you go about casting for the film?

I felt that it was very important to use emerging actors for this project so that the audience would lose themselves in the moment and not feel that it was just an actor playing a role in a movie. It’s easier to believe that an unknown actor is really going through the ordeal as opposed to someone who is popular but doesn’t really struggle with that issue. We found talented actors through word of mouth and casting calls, and it was a pleasure giving them the opportunity to shine. We allowed the actors some freedom to improvise their lines to sound as they normally would speak, and they did a great job. Steadfast is a different type of movie with a specific purpose in mind, and the actors that were cast supported the tone of this film. 

2. What does ROCK (ROCK Missions Media) stand for?

ROCK stands for Reaching Others for Christ’s Kingdom. ROCK Missions Media is a division of ROCK Missions Int’l, Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. This movie serves a dual purpose. Not only is it intended to reach out to those who are dealing with various life struggles and to share the message of the hope we have in Christ, but to also support the outreach ministries of ROCK Missions Int’l and help those less fortunate here in our local communities and around the world.

3. How long did it take to film Steadfast?

Sixteen VERY long days, and then a few extra days for reshoots.

4. What were some memorable moments on the set?

Every day was memorable. We had such a great time filming. The cast and crew were amazing. Even though the hours were long, everyone got along so well and we did a lot of laughing. The director was very good at making all of us feel comfortable and relaxed. There were so many funny incidents, but to share a few: When we were filming at the hotel, a lady approached me and started accusing us of shooting a porn movie! She had spotted us through the window filming in the bedroom (it was the scene where Abby is trying to go to sleep but Moriah is practicing dance), and the same lady later saw us filming a scene by the pool where Claire kisses Nick. She got the mistaken impression that we were filming a pornographic movie and it took me a while to convince her that the film was nothing like that and it actually promotes purity! Probably the time we laughed the most, though, was during a different bedroom scene. Often we were too busy filming to take meal breaks, and when we were shooting a scene in Moriah’s bedroom as she was doing homework, the boom operator’s stomach started growling loudly, interrupting the whole shoot. After we stopped laughing and re-slated, then the director’s stomach began growling and we had to start over yet again! We realized that we’d better find time to eat. 

5. Where did you get the idea for Steadfast?

When I found out that an 18-year-old boy was interested in my 14-year-old daughter, I freaked. He was a nice boy from church, but he was 18! That was quickly quashed, but it was during that time that the reality of my children being teenagers really hit me. I shared this with a friend, Douglas Mursu, who then wrote a poem called “I Won’t Compromise.” At the time I was very involved with youth groups and as I read it, I thought about all of the issues teens are faced with today (much more dramatic ones than my daughter’s!), and I told Doug that this was a message all youth needed to hear. We discussed the idea of a movie that addressed these struggles, and a few weeks later I was inspired to write the screenplay. It’s taken a lot longer to pull the rest of it together, but the message was too important to quit. As I’ve been an aspiring writer since I was young and always dreamed of combining my love of the arts with my passion for ministry, Steadfast has given me that opportunity. 

6. Was there any point during the writing or filming of the movie where the direction of the film changed?

The original intent of the movie was to focus on Moriah being the strong Christian character throughout all of her ordeals and remaining steadfast. But with so many important subject matters, it became apparent that the film should touch on each of the main characters and their struggles. Also, Claire’s character turned out to be a pivotal role as she is the one who is transformed the most.

7. What was the most challenging part of filming?

There were many times we weren’t able to scout out a location beforehand and when we arrived on the set we would have to figure out right then how we were going to shoot that scene, and with a very limited window of time to film. Often we would realize that what we had envisioned wouldn’t work there and we’d have to re-create the whole scene on the spot. But that also caused us to have some very creative moments, and some scenes were constructed better than what we were originally planning to do.

8. What do you wish you could do over?

I wouldn’t change one minute of time that we spent filming together or the experiences we had, but I would have liked to have had more time to focus on some of our shots. We were working under such time constraints that we didn’t always get the shots we would’ve liked. However, our editor did a great job pulling together the scenes we did get and the message is there.

9. Why was it important for you to make this film and what do you hope to accomplish?

Having three teens of my own and being involved with youth groups made me realize the darkness and hopelessness teens face today. Bullying has hit a new level of meanness and is out of control, not to mention all of the other issues. It’s very important to me to share the hope of Christ through media with teens and their parents, who also feel lost when it comes to understanding and helping their children. Only the surface can be scratched during the time of a feature-length film, but we can delve much deeper with the accompanying curriculum. There is a study guide for both teens and parents that can be used either in a group setting or individually. A devotional and journal is also available. Steadfast Teens and Steadfast Parents give biblical insight and practical application for nine relevant topics. What I hope to accomplish is to equip teens and parents with the power of His Word to battle today’s problems. The Steadfast soundtrack will further inspire. Our ultimate goal is to hold nationwide concerts with inspirational artists along with motivational speakers discussing these topics. We are focused on doing whatever we can to reach this next generation. But if even one life is touched, then this project will have served its purpose.

Be sure to watch the film until the very end. When the name, Steadfast, appears onscreen near the end of the movie, it’s not over. The most important part comes after that, so don’t miss it!

10. What did you learn from this project?

I learned to have patience-lots of it! I learned that everything will happen in God’s perfect timing and we are to trust Him every step of the way. This journey is a faith walk and if we feel called to do something, then we are to walk it out in faith even when we don’t see clearly the road in front of us. I realized the importance of not looking ahead but only tackling what was right in front of me at that very moment. In other words, I learned to allow God to control the circumstances. That was such a tough lesson for me, but when we do that, we will see things happen that are above and beyond anything that we could ever dream of accomplishing on our own. I also discovered that nothing is impossible with God.